I landed on the wrong planet

The bell chimed as he walked in for the second time. "Hey! It's been a while," said the man at the bar. "I need a drink," said he as he shook his head, trying to dispel the uncomfortable truth repeatedly spanking him sensuously. And that is how we find our hero, sipping something muddy on another planet.

Location: Yaadhum Oore. Yaavarum Kelir

I am a bad imitation of don Quixote.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Acme of evolution

How are you? It's been a while since I have actually talked to you! You know what I just realized? It is a huge thing so here goes:

I am a resident of a state that is one in 30 others in a country that is one in some 20 or so in a continent that is one in seven, surrounded by water that is bigger by 75% in a planet that is one in nine (or is it ten?) revolving around a sun that is one in millions in a galaxy that is one in billions in a universe that has more dark matter than galaxies in it.

So, what is all the big deal about? I mean, reading through my blog, I seem to have been rambling a lot of late. What is it about being a human that makes me such an asshole? I am an atom in a pimple in the ass end of creation. But all I can think of is I, me and myself.

What is this morbid fixation that seems to have suddenly entered all my posts? Where am I channeling all this dirty energy from?

Life has so far always given me a high. There have been ups and downs, but right now, there seems to be a huge void somewhere in there. And the void keeps gobbling up all the little wonderful things that are happening.

And do you know one other thing that I realised?

The star called sun had to form in the exact shape and power, and had to collate a precise amount of stones and rocks to form into planets, and this rock called Earth had to be in the exact distance (too far and it would have been too cold, and too near and it would have burned up), and it had to solidify at the exact moment (too soon and all the gases would have been trapped inside, and too late and the gases would have escaped leaving no atmosphere), and comets and meteorites had to bombard at the exact frequency to create craters where electricity had to fuse the exact molecules of oxygen and hydrogen to form water that accumulated in those craters to form ocean, and a tiny algae had to do the exact process of breathing in nitrogen and breathing out oxygen and the whole evolution had to follow a precise step in order for me to be sitting here in front of a computer, telling you how insignificant I am.

A huge play has been enacted - one spanning millions of years - so that I could be. Not so insignificant, I think. My glass is half full.

And there is just one final realization that I want to share with you:

My grammar is pathetic!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great post. Looking forward to the next one.

6:19 PM  

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