I landed on the wrong planet

The bell chimed as he walked in for the second time. "Hey! It's been a while," said the man at the bar. "I need a drink," said he as he shook his head, trying to dispel the uncomfortable truth repeatedly spanking him sensuously. And that is how we find our hero, sipping something muddy on another planet.

Location: Yaadhum Oore. Yaavarum Kelir

I am a bad imitation of don Quixote.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Chronicles of a laid-back, blissfully unemployed martian

10 am : Wake up groggily to find mom hurriedly getting ready for work. manage to get coffee
11 am : wake up completely
12 am : decide to get up from the bed and read the papers
1 pm : change channels dumbly before settling down to a stupid special effects movie
2 pm : self-serve the wonderful lunch and eat till it comes out of the ear
3 pm : realise you are doing everything 'on the hour'!
3.15 pm : sit before the computer dumbly switching from one application to another
5.38 pm : sit outside waiting for mom
6.38 pm : after the fourth coffee, get down to some serious flirting on the cellphone
8.30 pm : first game of the day. no beer since mom's at home. just chips and water.
12.30 (i dont know if its pm or am, never could figure that out!) : second game. same thing.
sometime in the night : hit the sack, completely exhausted from doing absolutely nothing!

I have seen heaven. It's alright. A bit too boring though. What else is on TV?


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