I landed on the wrong planet

The bell chimed as he walked in for the second time. "Hey! It's been a while," said the man at the bar. "I need a drink," said he as he shook his head, trying to dispel the uncomfortable truth repeatedly spanking him sensuously. And that is how we find our hero, sipping something muddy on another planet.

Location: Yaadhum Oore. Yaavarum Kelir

I am a bad imitation of don Quixote.

Monday, April 17, 2006

End of Days

The end is near. No, I am not refering to apocalypse. I am talking about college. It's over, finally, and am I glad?

For some time now, I have been frustrated by the amount of small-mindedness that goes on in our college. And I so much wanted college to end. I felt the world was preparing something major for me, and that the curtains would rise once college got over. I am scared, thrilled, overjoyed and not even slightly sad.

True, I woudln't be able to hang out with my college mates, but I am not sure I can stand that anymore. It was fine while it lasted but all good things must come to an end. Familiarity breeds contempt.

I am scared by my way of thinking. What if I get bored with family? With someone close? If familiarity bred contempt, then intimacy would be a disaster! Or would it?

I may have mentioned this before : with a lot of people, silence is awkward. Only with those very few is that silence just right. And when that person comes along, words don't matter. It would be a case of 'I thought you so' instead of 'I told you so'!

Well, I am deviating from what I have come here to say today. It's au revoir to college. I have plans of doing MS but as I said earlier, Shit Happens when I start planning. So, I am just gonna sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. The road is still long. The night is still young.


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